In the beginning of 2010 I had a
very dear friend invite me to
accompany him on his trap line
when I was available, so I
decided to take advantage of
the opportunity and all I can say
is WOW !!!  The lessons I have
learned have already proven to
be invaluable.  Will I be trapping
myself next year ??? Actually . . .
YES. I took the course and
started trapping alone in
January 2011.
On my first day out, Mike caught a Grey Fox.  She was unharmed and could have been released if he decided to do so.  A quick lesson showed me how to pick her
up to inspect the fur, but she was a keeper, so she was dispatched.
The next time I went with Mike, the line produced a coyote, a fox and a raccoon.  I tried telling the coyote that it just wasn't her lucky day, but she didn't want to
hear what I had to say.
After our first few days, we were accused by a few other outdoorsmen of over-stressing the animals by spending too much time handling the live animals while
checking their fur and also and "talking" to them, so this day, we decided to turn our backs and not utter a word.
And the next time went something like this:

"You Be Quiet"
"No, You Be Quiet"
"Shhh, Not A Word"

Life is so very short.  Embrace every moment.  
Live and laugh like there's no tomorrow, because someday there won't be.  
You don't get a second ride.
Well, after now being accused of simply
having too much fun, I decided to stay home
on a cold rainy day . . . yeah RIGHT . . .
Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, See No Evil
Roasted Raccoon . . . It's What's For Dinner
Ms Grit Trapping